Source code for RADWave.altiwave

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright (c) 2020 Tristan Salles
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 3

import re
import math
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from functools import reduce
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as _cKDTree

# For readthedoc...
    import netCDF4
    from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile
    import datetime as dt
except ImportError:
    print("netCDF4 is required and needs to be installed via pip")

# For readthedoc...
    import cartopy
    import cartopy.geodesic
    import as ccrs
    import as cimgt
    from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
except ImportError:
    print("cartopy is required and needs to be installed via pip")

# For readthedoc...
    import pymannkendall as mk
except ImportError:
    print("pymannkendall is required and needs to be installed via pip")

# For readthedoc...
    import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:
    print("seaborn is required and needs to be installed via pip")

# For readthedoc...
    import shapely
    from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing
except ImportError:
    print("shapely is required and needs to be installed via pip")

# For readthedoc...
    import geopy.distance
except ImportError:
    print("geopy is required and needs to be installed via pip")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters


plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "cm"

[docs]class waveAnalysis(object): """ **RadWave** is a package to perform wave analysis using AODN *Radar Altimeter Data*. Radar altimeters are mounted on satellites and measure a footprint of the ocean directly under the satellite (approx. 5-7 km wide). When the water surface is calm and flat, the reflection of the radar pulse back to the altimeter is almost instantaneous. In contrast, when waves are present the pulse is first reflected at the crest of the wave, then progressively reflected as the pulse reaches the wave trough. Method: Calibrated altimeter dataset provide **wave height** and **wind speed** through a series of equations described in [RibalYoung2019] .. [RibalYoung2019] Ribal, A. & Young, I. R. - 33 Years of Globally Calibrated Wave Height and Wind Speed Data Based on Altimeter Observations. Sci Data 6, 77, `DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0083-9`_, 2019. .. _`DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0083-9`: Data: Altimeter data are read from netcdf files that are provided via a list of URLs. Here we propose a series of examples using the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) (``_) but other web portals could be easely added. .. _``: Args: cycloneCSV (str): path as a csv file containing cyclone tracks with in the header the following names *lon*, *lat* & *datetime* [default: None] altimeterURL (str): list of NetCDF URLs downloaded from the wave data portal containing the radar altimeter data [default: None] bbox (list): bounding box specifying the geographical extent of the uploaded dataset following the convention [lon min,lon max,lat min,lat max] [default: None] stime (list): starting time of wave climate analysis following the convention [year, month, day] [default: None] etime (list): ending time of wave climate analysis following the convention [year, month, day] [default: None] satNames (list): list of satellites to use for the analysis - AODN portal provide the record from 10 satellites for altimeter data [default: None] Note: This remote sensing technique does not provide individual wave statistics, but rather returns the **average value over satellite footprint**, up to 7 km wide. """ def __init__( self, cycloneCSV=None, altimeterURL=None, bbox=None, stime=None, etime=None, satNames=None, ): if cycloneCSV is not None: try: with open(str(cycloneCSV)) as file: pass except IOError as e: print("Unable to open file ", str(cycloneCSV)) self.cyclone = pd.read_csv( str(cycloneCSV), sep=r",", engine="c", header=0, na_filter=False, low_memory=False, ) column_list = ("lat", "lon", "datetime") for col in column_list: if col not in self.cyclone.columns: raise ValueError( "Both columns lat, lon and datetime are \ required in the cyclone track file" ) self.cyclone["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(self.cyclone["datetime"]) else: self.cyclone = None self.cyclone_data = None self.timeseries = None if altimeterURL is not None: try: with open(str(altimeterURL)) as file: pass except IOError as e: print("Unable to open file ", str(altimeterURL)) if satNames is None: satNames = [ "JASON-2", "JASON-3", "SARAL", "SENTINEL-3A", "CRYOSAT-2", "ENVISAT", "GEOSAT", "ERS-2", "GFO", "TOPEX", ] self.satNb = len(satNames) self.allURL = [] self.nameSat = [] for k in range(self.satNb): satFile = self._extractURLsatellite( fileURL=altimeterURL, satName=satNames[k] ) if len(satFile) > 0: self.allURL.append(satFile) ncs = NetCDFFile(satFile[0]) self.nameSat.append(ncs.title.split(" ", 1)[0]) # latitude and longitude if bbox[0] >= bbox[1]: raise ValueError("Error wrong definition of min and max lon") if bbox[2] >= bbox[3]: raise ValueError("Error wrong definition of min and max lat") self.lonmin = bbox[0] self.lonmax = bbox[1] self.latmin = bbox[2] self.latmax = bbox[3] # Date self.start_date = dt.datetime(stime[0], stime[1], stime[2]) self.end_date = dt.datetime(etime[0], etime[1], etime[2]) delta_time = self.end_date - self.start_date dhours = delta_time.total_seconds() / 3600.0 if dhours <= 0.0: raise ValueError( "Error the defined start time 'stime' is set \ after the end time 'etime'." ) def _extractURLsatellite(self, fileURL, satName): """ Function to convert the list of URL’s generated by the IMOS portal to a list of OPeNDAP data URL’s for specific satellites. From downloaded dataset from the AODN portal user choose the options *List of URLs* to obtain NetCDF files. IMOS NetCDF files are accessible via an OPeNDAP catalog at : `IMOScatalog`_ .. _`IMOScatalog`: The advantage of the THREDDS catalog is that the data files do not have to be downloaded to your local machine first – the OPeNDAP data URL can be parsed into Python. Note: The list of URL’s generated by the IMOS portal can be converted to a list of OPeNDAP data URL’s by replacing string ** with **. Args: fileURL (str): list of NetCDF URLs downloaded from the wave data portal containing the radar altimeter data satNames (list): list of satellites to use for the analysis - AODN portal provide the record from 10 satellites for altimeter data Returns: getFiles : list of OPeNDAP data URL’s for given satellites """ getFiles = [] with open(fileURL) as f: for line in f: line = line.split(".nc")[0] + ".nc" if"%s" % satName, line): changeURL = re.sub( "", "", line, ) getFiles.append(changeURL) return getFiles
[docs] def processAltimeterData(self, altimeter_pick="all", saveCSV="altimeterData.csv"): """ From the list of OPeNDAP data URL’s this function extracts the altimeter data information. The function can take some times to execute depending on the number of files to load and the size of the dataset to query. Todo: Here we use default NetCDF variables keys based on the IMOS AODN dataset: 'LATITUDE'/'LONGITUDE'/'WSPD_CAL'... In the future, we could provide additional capabilities to extract additional keys by reading each file variables [vars = data_nc.variables.keys()] Note: This function relies mostly on Pandas (library) and writes the processed dataset to file that can be later used to access more efficiently altimeter information. Warning: Because the data is accessed via the THREDDS catalog, there can be a latency when querying the NetCDF files. Args: altimeter_pick (list): list of satellites to use for the analysis as an example AODN portal provide the record from 10 satellites for altimeter data [default: 'all'] saveCSV (str): filename used to save processed altimeter data obtained from the OPeNDAP web service [default: 'altimeterData.csv'] """ print("Processing Altimeter Dataset \n") t0 = time.clock() p = 0 combineframe = None for u in range(len(self.allURL)): picked_url = self.allURL[u] if altimeter_pick == self.nameSat[u] or altimeter_pick == "all": for k in range(len(picked_url)): ncs = NetCDFFile(picked_url[k]) if k == 0: print( " + name {:<11s} / number of tracks \ {:<4d}".format( self.nameSat[u], len(picked_url) ) ) # Get desired bounding box lats = ncs.variables["LATITUDE"][:] lons = ncs.variables["LONGITUDE"][:] latbound = np.where( np.logical_and(lats >= self.latmin, lats <= self.latmax) )[0] lonbound = np.where( np.logical_and(lons >= self.lonmin, lons <= self.lonmax) )[0] # Get desired time interval time_var = ncs.variables["TIME"] tt = ncs.variables["TIME"][:] timing = netCDF4.num2date(tt, time_var.units) self.time_units = time_var.units timebound = np.where( np.logical_and( timing >= self.start_date, timing <= self.end_date ) )[0] reduceID = reduce(np.intersect1d, (latbound, lonbound, timebound)) if len(reduceID) > 0: ws = ncs.variables["WSPD_CAL"][:] if self.nameSat[u] == "SARAL": wh = ncs.variables["SWH_KA_CAL"][:] qc = ncs.variables["SWH_KA_quality_control"][:] back = ncs.variables["SIG0_KA"][:] else: wh = ncs.variables["SWH_KU_CAL"][:] qc = ncs.variables["SWH_KU_quality_control"][:] back = ncs.variables["SIG0_KU"][:] hqlimit = np.where(np.logical_and(wh > 0, qc == 1))[0] ids = np.intersect1d(hqlimit, reduceID) data = { "ws": ws[ids], "wh": wh[ids], "qc": qc[ids], "back": back[ids], "lats": lats[ids], "lons": lons[ids], "time": tt[ids], } df = pd.DataFrame(data) df2 = pd.DataFrame(timing[ids], columns=["date"]) df2["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["date"]) df2["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df2["date"]).year df2["month"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df2["date"]).month df2["day"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df2["date"]).day dataframe = pd.concat([df, df2], axis=1, sort=False) dataframe = dataframe.drop(["date"], axis=1) time_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["time"] ].apply(np.median) = "time" qc_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["qc"] ].apply(np.median) = "qc" back_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["back"] ].apply(np.median) = "back" wh_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["wh"] ].apply(np.median) = "wh" ws_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["ws"] ].apply(np.median) = "ws" lats_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["lats"] ].apply(np.median) = "lat" lons_m = dataframe.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])[ ["lons"] ].apply(np.median) = "lon" frame = pd.concat( [qc_m, wh_m, ws_m, back_m, lats_m, lons_m, time_m], axis=1, sort=False, ) frame["altimeter"] = self.nameSat[u] if p > 0: combineframe = pd.concat([combineframe, frame], sort=True) else: combineframe = frame p += 1 if p > 0: self.saveCSV = saveCSV combineframe.to_csv( str(self.saveCSV), columns=["lat", "lon", "wh", "time", "ws"], sep=" ", index=False, header=1, ) altiData = pd.read_csv( str(self.saveCSV), sep=r"\s+", engine="c", header=0, na_filter=False, low_memory=False, ) data = altiData.sort_values(by=["time"]) data = data.replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True) data = data.dropna() = np.asarray(data.values[:, 0], dtype=np.float64) self.lon = np.asarray(data.values[:, 1], dtype=np.float64) self.wh = np.asarray(data.values[:, 2], dtype=np.float64) self.times = data.values[:, 3] = np.asarray(data.values[:, 4], dtype=np.float64) print( " \nProcessing altimeter dataset took: ", int(time.clock() - t0), "s", ) else: print("No altimeter data found...")
[docs] def readAltimeterData(self, saveCSV=None): """ In case where the *processAltimeterData* function has already been executed, one can load directly the processed data from the created CSV file. Args: saveCSV (str): filename used to save processed altimeter data obtained from the OPeNDAP web service [default: None] """ if saveCSV is not None: self.saveCSV = saveCSV try: with open(str(self.saveCSV)) as file: pass except IOError as e: print("Unable to open altimeter data file ", str(self.saveCSV)) print("Reading Processed Altimeter Dataset \n") picked_url = self.allURL[0] ncs = NetCDFFile(picked_url[0]) time_var = ncs.variables["TIME"] self.time_units = time_var.units altiData = pd.read_csv( str(self.saveCSV), sep=r"\s+", engine="c", header=0, na_filter=False, low_memory=False, ) data = altiData.sort_values(by=["time"]) data = data.replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True) data = data.dropna() = np.asarray(data.values[:, 0], dtype=np.float64) self.lon = np.asarray(data.values[:, 1], dtype=np.float64) self.wh = np.asarray(data.values[:, 2], dtype=np.float64) self.times = data.values[:, 3] = np.asarray(data.values[:, 4], dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def plotCycloneTracks( self, title="Cyclone data tracks", markersize=100, zoom=4, extent=None, fsize=(12, 10), fsave=None, ): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure a specific cyclone track loaded during the initialisation phase of the waveAnalysis class. Example of cyclone track for Australia can be found on the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM_). .. _BOM: Args: title (str): title for the figure [default: "Cyclone data tracks"] markersize (int): size of the markers used to specify cyclone tracks [default: 100] zoom (int): given target zoom for the target domain background (must be a value >= 1) [default: 4] extent (int): geographical extent of the figure following the convention [lon min,lon max,lat min,lat max] [default: None] fsize : size of the image [default: (12,10)] fsave (str): saved image name without extension that will be written as a PNG file [default: None] Note: This function relies on **cartopy** and **matplotlib** libraries. We use cartopy’s ability to draw map tiles which are downloaded on demand from the **Stamen tile server**. Todo: There are some plotting problems for dataset spanning beyond the 180 degree meridian that will need to be fixed. Warning: The cyclone tracks contains the following variables *lon*, *lat* & *datetime*. """ # Create a Stamen terrain background instance. stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen("terrain-background") fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsize) # Create a GeoAxes in the tile's projection ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, # Limit the extent of the map to a small longitude/latitude range if extent is None: ax.set_extent( [self.lonmin, self.lonmax, self.latmin, self.latmax], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), ) else: ax.set_extent( [extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3]], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree() ) # Add the Stamen data ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, zoom) ax.coastlines(resolution="10m") # Cyclone track clon = self.cyclone["lon"].to_numpy() clat = self.cyclone["lat"].to_numpy() for k in range(len(clon) - 1): plt.plot( [clon[k], clon[k + 1]], [clat[k], clat[k + 1]], color="r", linewidth=3, alpha=0.5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=1, ) plt.scatter( [clon], [clat], marker="o", color="r", s=markersize, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=5, ) geodetic_transform = ccrs.Geodetic()._as_mpl_transform(ax) text_transform = offset_copy(geodetic_transform, units="dots", y=-30) cycloneyear = self.cyclone["datetime"].dt.year cycloneday = self.cyclone["datetime"] cyclonemonth = self.cyclone["datetime"].dt.month cyclonehour = self.cyclone["datetime"].dt.hour cyclonedate = [] for k in range(len(clon)): cyclonedate.append( str(cycloneday[k]) + "/" + str(cyclonemonth[k]) + "\n " + str(cyclonehour[k]) + "h" ) ax.set_title( title + " records starting on the " + str(cycloneday[0]) + "/" + str(cyclonemonth[0]) + "/" + str(cycloneyear[0]) ) for k in range(3, len(clon), 4): ax.text( clon[k], clat[k], cyclonedate[k], color="navy", verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", transform=text_transform, bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.9, boxstyle="round"), zorder=10, ) plt.scatter( clon[k], clat[k], marker="o", color="navy", s=markersize, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=10, ) gl = ax.gridlines( crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=0.5, color="k", alpha=0.5, linestyle="--", ) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_left = False gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave, dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave)
[docs] def visualiseData( self, title="Altimeter data coordinates", extent=None, addcity=None, markersize=100, zoom=4, fsize=(12, 10), fsave=None, ): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the geographical coordinates of processed altimeter data. In case where a cyclone track has also been loaded during the initialisation phase of the waveAnalysis class, the cyclone path is also added to the figure. Args: title (str): title for the figure [default: "Altimeter data coordinates"] extent (int): geographical extent of the figure following the convention [lon min,lon max,lat min,lat max] [default: None] addcity (list): defined a specific location using the following convention ['City Name', longitude, latitude] [default: None] markersize (int): size of the markers used to specify cyclone tracks [default: 100] zoom (int): given target zoom for the target domain background (must be a value >= 1) [default: 4] fsize : size of the image [default: (12,10)] fsave (str): saved image name without extension that will be written as a PNG file [default: None] Note: This function relies on **cartopy** and **matplotlib** libraries. We use cartopy’s ability to draw map tiles which are downloaded on demand from the **Stamen tile server**. Todo: There are some plotting problems for dataset spanning beyond the 180 degree meridian that will need to be fixed. """ # Create a Stamen terrain background instance. stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen("terrain-background") fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsize) # Create a GeoAxes in the tile's projection. ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, # Limit the extent of the map to a small longitude/latitude range if extent is None: ax.set_extent( [self.lonmin, self.lonmax, self.latmin, self.latmax], crs=ccrs.Geodetic(), ) else: ax.set_extent( [extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3]], crs=ccrs.Geodetic() ) # Add the Stamen data ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, zoom) ax.set_title(title) ax.coastlines(resolution="10m") ax.scatter( [self.lon], [], marker="o", color="coral", s=markersize, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=0.7, transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), ) # Use the cartopy interface to create a matplotlib transform object # for the Geodetic coordinate system. geodetic_transform = ccrs.Geodetic()._as_mpl_transform(ax) text_transform = offset_copy(geodetic_transform, units="dots", x=-12) # Cyclone track if self.cyclone is not None: clon = self.cyclone["lon"].to_numpy() clat = self.cyclone["lat"].to_numpy() for k in range(len(clon) - 1): plt.plot( [clon[k], clon[k + 1]], [clat[k], clat[k + 1]], color="navy", linewidth=3, alpha=1.0, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=1, ) # Add a marker for a given city. if addcity is not None: name_city = addcity[0] lon_city = addcity[1] lat_city = addcity[2] ax.scatter( lon_city, lat_city, marker="o", color="navy", s=100, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=0.7, transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), ) ax.text( lon_city, lat_city, name_city, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", transform=text_transform, bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.5, boxstyle="round"), ) # Add bounding box of interest rlons = [self.lonmin, self.lonmin, self.lonmax, self.lonmax] rlats = [self.latmin, self.latmax, self.latmax, self.latmin] ring = LinearRing(list(zip(rlons, rlats))) if self.cyclone is None: ax.add_geometries( [ring], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="k", linewidth=2 ) else: ax.add_geometries( [ring], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="k", alpha=0.8, linewidth=2, ) gl = ax.gridlines( crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=0.5, color="k", alpha=0.5, linestyle="--", ) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_left = False gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave, dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave)
def _waveAge(self, H, U, grav=9.80665): """ This function computes the wave age from the following altimeter data: *wave height* and *surface wind speed*. Args: H (numpy array): significant wave height in metres U (numpy array): surface wind speed in metres per second grav (float): acceleration of gravity (m/s2) [default: 9.80665] Returns: eps (numpy array): wave age following Remya et al. (2010) algorithm """ grav2 = grav ** 2 wh2 = np.square(H) u4 = np.power(U, 4) tmp = np.divide(wh2 * grav2, u4) eps = 3.25 * np.power(tmp, 0.31) return eps
[docs] def wavePeriod(self, H, U, grav=9.80665): """ This function computes the wave period from the following altimeter data: *wave height* and *surface wind speed*. Method: Altimeters do not directly measure wave period, an essential component to adequately characterise wave climate. To calculate wave period from altimeter backscatter we use the algorithm proposed by Remya et al. (2010) based on wind speed (U) and significant wave height (H). This method has a high accuracy of estimating wave period (T) in both wind and swell-generated seas (root mean square error = 0.76 s). Remya et al., 2010: Altimeter-derived ocean wave period using genetic algorithm - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8(2), 354–358. Args: H (numpy array): significant wave height in metres U (numpy array): surface wind speed in metres per second grav (float): acceleration of gravity (m/s2) [default: 9.80665] Returns: period (numpy array): wave period following Remya et al. (2010) algorithm (second) """ # Compute wave age eps = self._waveAge(H, U, grav=9.80665) # Wave age is then used in a Genetic Algorithm to obtain wave period period = ((eps - (5.78)) / (eps + (U / (H * ((U / H) + H))))) + (H + (5.70)) return period
[docs] def meanEnergy(self, H, grav=9.80665, seadensity=1025.0): """ In a sea state, the average(mean) energy density per unit area of gravity waves on the water surface is proportional to the wave height squared, according to linear wave theory [Goda 2000]. Method: Goda Y., 2000: Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures - World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-02-3256-6. Holthuijsen L.H., 2007: Waves in oceanic and coastal waters - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-86028-4. Args: H (numpy array): significant wave height in metres grav (float): acceleration of gravity (m/s2) [default: 9.80665] seadensity (float): sea density (kg/m3) [default: 1025.] Returns: E (numpy array): average(mean) energy density per unit area of gravity waves (J/m2) """ x = 1.0 / 8.0 h2 = np.square(H) E = x * seadensity * grav * h2 return E
[docs] def waveGroupVelocity(self, T, grav=9.80665): """ As the waves propagate, their energy is transported and the energy transport velocity is the group velocity. From Airy wave theory, the group velocity (cg) is calculated in (m/s). Args: T (numpy array): wave period in seconds grav (float): acceleration of gravity (m/s2) [default: 9.80665] Returns: cg (numpy array): group velocity (m/s) """ pi2 = 2 * math.pi cg = grav * T / pi2 return cg
[docs] def waveEnergyFlux(self, H, T, grav=9.80665, seadensity=1025.0): """ The rate at which energy is carried by waves is determined using total wave energy and wave energy speed (kW/m) Args: H (numpy array): significant wave height in metres T (numpy array): wave period in seconds grav (float): acceleration of gravity (m/s2) [default: 9.80665] seadensity (float): sea density (kg/m3) [default: 1025.] Returns: P (numpy array): wave energy flux (kW/m) """ E = self.meanEnergy(H, grav=9.80665, seadensity=1025.0) cg = self.waveGroupVelocity(T, grav=9.80665) # convert from W/m to kW/m P = 0.001 * cg * E return P
[docs] def generateTimeSeries(self, days=30): """ Time series of wave characteristics are obtained via both the significant wave height and wind speed parameters from the altimeter dataset. Time series compute the following **instantaneous** and **monthly** variables: * significant wave height (m) 'wh' & 'wh_rolling' * wave period (s) 'period' & 'period_rolling' * wave energy flux (kW/m) 'power' & 'power_rolling' * wave average energy density (J/m2) 'energy' & 'energy_rolling' * wave group velocity (m/s) 'speed' & 'speed_rolling' Args: days (int): moving average window for time series calculation [default: '30'] Note: The class **waveAnalysis()** saves a pandas dataframe called **timeseries** that stores the wave time series for further analysis. Returns: timeseries (dataframe): pandas dataframe containing time series of wave characteristics """ # Compute wave parameters self.T = self.wavePeriod(self.wh, self.we = self.meanEnergy(self.wh) self.speed = self.waveGroupVelocity(self.T) self.power1 = self.waveEnergyFlux(self.wh, self.T) sort_time = netCDF4.num2date(self.times, self.time_units) wavedf = pd.DataFrame( data={ "date": sort_time, "wh": self.wh, "period": self.T, "energy": self.we, "speed": self.speed, "power": self.power1, "lon": self.lon, "lat":, } ) # Days averaged parameters. self.days = int(days) meanwave = wavedf.rolling(str(self.days) + "D", on="date", min_periods=1).mean() self.wh_rolling = meanwave["wh"] self.period_rolling = meanwave["period"] self.power_rolling = meanwave["power"] self.speed_rolling = meanwave["speed"] self.energy_rolling = meanwave["energy"] self.timeseries = pd.DataFrame( data={ "date": sort_time, "wh": self.wh, "wh_rolling": self.wh_rolling, "period": self.T, "period_rolling": self.period_rolling, "power": self.power1, "power_rolling": self.power_rolling, "energy": self.we, "energy_rolling": self.energy_rolling, "speed": self.speed, "speed_rolling": self.speed_rolling, "lat":, "lon": self.lon, } ) self.timeseries["day"] = self.timeseries["date"] self.timeseries["month"] = self.timeseries["date"].dt.month self.timeseries["year"] = self.timeseries["date"].dt.year return self.timeseries
[docs] def plotTimeSeries(self, time="all", series="H", fsize=(12, 5), fsave=None): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure a time series for a specific parameter from the processed altimeter data. The choices of time series to plot are: * 'H': for wave height, * 'T': for wave period, * 'P': for wave power, * 'E': for wave energy, and * 'Cg': for wave group velocity It also provides the following information: * Maximum parameter value * Mean parameter value * Median parameter value * 95th percentile parameter value Args: time (list): extent of years to plot for plotting time series from 1995 to 2010 user will set 'time' to [1995,2010], to plot the entire record use the keyword 'all' [default: 'all'] series (str): name of the series to plot choices are: 'H', 'T', 'P', 'E' and 'Cg' [default: 'H'] fsize : size of the image [default: (12,5)] fsave (str): saved image name without extension that will be written as a PNG file [default: None] """ if time == "all": tmpdf = self.timeseries.copy() else: tmpdf = self.timeseries.copy() tmpdf = tmpdf[ (tmpdf["date"].dt.year > time[0]) & (tmpdf["date"].dt.year < time[1]) ] if series == "H": fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=fsize) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.wh, color="lightgrey", label="wave height $H_s$") ax1.plot(, tmpdf.wh_rolling, color="blue", label=str(self.days) + "-Day Average $H_s$", ) ax1.legend( labels=["wave height $H_s$", str(self.days) + "-Day Average $H_s$"], loc="upper left", ) ax1.set_ylabel("H$_s$ (m)", style="italic", fontsize=12) print("Max wave height: {:0.3f} m".format(max(tmpdf.wh))) print("Mean wave height: {:0.3f} m".format(np.mean(tmpdf.wh))) print("Median wave height: {:0.3f} m".format(np.median(tmpdf.wh))) print( "95th percentile wave height: {:0.3f} m".format( np.percentile(tmpdf.wh, 95) ) ) elif series == "T": fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=fsize) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.period, color="lightgrey", label="wave period T$_\mathit{z}$", ) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.period_rolling, color="blue", label=str(self.days) + "-Day Average $H_s$", ) ax1.legend( labels=[ "wave period T$_\mathit{z}$", str(self.days) + "-Day Average T$_\mathit{z}$", ], loc="upper left", ) ax1.set_ylabel("T$_\mathit{z}$ (s)", style="italic", fontsize=12) print("Max wave period: {:0.3f} s".format(max(tmpdf.period))) print("Mean wave period: {:0.3f} s".format(np.mean(tmpdf.period))) print("Median wave period: {:0.3f} s".format(np.median(tmpdf.period))) print( "95th percentile wave period: {:0.3f} s".format( np.percentile(tmpdf.period, 95) ) ) elif series == "P": fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=fsize) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.power, color="lightgrey", label="wave power P") ax1.plot(, tmpdf.power_rolling, color="blue", label=str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{P}$", ) ax1.legend( labels=[ "wave power $\mathit{P}$", str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{P}$", ], loc="upper left", ) ax1.set_ylabel("P (kW/m)", style="italic", fontsize=12) print("Max wave power: {:0.3f} kW/m".format(max(tmpdf.power))) print("Mean wave power: {:0.3f} kW/m".format(np.mean(tmpdf.power))) print("Median wave power: {:0.3f} kW/m".format(np.median(tmpdf.power))) print( "95th percentile wave power: {:0.3f} kW/m".format( np.percentile(tmpdf.power, 95) ) ) elif series == "Cg": fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=fsize) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.speed, color="lightgrey", label="wave celerity $\mathit{C}$", ) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.speed_rolling, color="blue", label=str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{C}$", ) ax1.legend( labels=[ "wave celerity $\mathit{C}$", str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{C}$", ], loc="upper left", ) ax1.set_ylabel("C (m/s)", style="italic", fontsize=12) print("Max wave celerity: {:0.3f} m/s".format(max(tmpdf.speed))) print("Mean wave celerity: {:0.3f} m/s".format(np.mean(tmpdf.speed))) print("Median wave celerity: {:0.3f} m/s".format(np.median(tmpdf.speed))) print( "95th percentile wave celerity: {:0.3f} m/s".format( np.percentile(tmpdf.speed, 95) ) ) elif series == "E": fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=fsize) ax1.plot(,, color="lightgrey", label="wave energy $\mathit{E}$", ) ax1.plot(, tmpdf.energy_rolling, color="blue", label=str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{E}$", ) ax1.legend( labels=[ "wave energy $\mathit{E}$", str(self.days) + "-Day Average $\mathit{E}$", ], loc="upper left", ) ax1.set_ylabel("E (J/m$^2$)", style="italic", fontsize=12) print("Max wave energy: {:0.3f} J/m2".format(max( print("Mean wave energy: {:0.3f} J/m2".format(np.mean( print("Median wave energy: {:0.3f} J/m2".format(np.median( print( "95th percentile wave energy: {:0.3f} J/m2".format( np.percentile(, 95) ) ) else: raise ValueError( "Not recognised series... choices are H, P, T, \ Cg, E" ) ax1.set_xlim(min(, max( ax1.set_xlabel("Year", fontsize=12) ax1.grid(True, linewidth=0.5, color="k", alpha=0.1, linestyle="-") ax1.tick_params(labelcolor="k", labelsize="medium", width=3) if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave, dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave)
[docs] def close2Track(self, radius=2.0, dtmax=6): """ From all cyclone tracks, this function finds the closest processed altimeter geographical locations that have been recorded in the database. In addition to their coordinates, the altimeter dataset has to be recorded during a user defined time lapse close enough to the cyclone path time at each position. The recorded dataframe **cyclone_data** contains the following variables: * altimeter significant wave height (m) 'wH' * altimeter wave period (s) 'period' * altimeter wave energy flux (kW/m) 'power' * altimeter wave average energy density (J/m2) 'energy' * altimeter wave group velocity (m/s) 'speed' * distance between altimeter coordinates and cyclone path (km) 'dist' * cyclone date (datetime) 'cdate' * difference in time between recorded cyclone date and altimeter data for specific position (hours) 'hours' * cyclone latitude position 'clat' * cyclone longitude position 'clon' * altimeter data latitude position 'lat' * altimeter data longitude position 'lon' Args: radius (float): maximum radius distance in degree between cyclone position and altimeter data coordinates [default: '2.'] dtmax (float): maximum difference in time between recorded cyclone date and picked altimeter data (hours) [default: '6.'] Note: The class **waveAnalysis()** saves a pandas dataframe called **cyclone_data** that stores the closest points to each cyclone path coordinates for further analysis. Returns: cycdata (dataframe): pandas dataframe containing cyclone track information """ if self.cyclone is None: raise ValueError( "There is no cyclone path loaded in the class, \ this needs to be done during the class \ initialisation..." ) # Get altimeter positions XY = np.zeros((self.timeseries.shape[0], 2)) XY[:, 0] = self.timeseries["lon"].to_numpy() XY[:, 1] = self.timeseries["lat"].to_numpy() # Get cyclone positions cXY = np.zeros((self.cyclone.shape[0], 2)) cXY[:, 0] = self.cyclone["lon"].to_numpy() cXY[:, 1] = self.cyclone["lat"].to_numpy() # Search for closest altimeter points to cyclone track tree = _cKDTree(XY) pts = tree.query_ball_point(cXY, r=radius) # Get the ones that are in the right time interval... clon = [] clat = [] aT = [] aC = [] aP = [] aE = [] aH = [] alat = [] alon = [] cdate = [] difft = [] dist = [] for k in range(len(pts)): ngbhs = len(pts[k]) if ngbhs > 0: for p in range(ngbhs): delta_time =[ pts[k][p] ] - self.cyclone.datetime.iloc[k].replace(tzinfo=None) dhours = delta_time.total_seconds() / 3600.0 if abs(dhours) < dtmax: difft.append(round(dhours, 3)) clon.append(cXY[k, 0]) clat.append(cXY[k, 1]) cdate.append(self.cyclone["datetime"].iloc[k]) d = geopy.distance.geodesic( (cXY[k, 1], cXY[k, 0]), ( self.timeseries["lat"].iloc[pts[k][p]], self.timeseries["lon"].iloc[pts[k][p]], ), ).km dist.append(round(d, 3)) aT.append(self.timeseries["period"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) aC.append(self.timeseries["speed"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) aP.append(self.timeseries["power"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) aE.append(self.timeseries["energy"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) aH.append(self.timeseries["wh"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) alat.append(self.timeseries["lat"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) alon.append(self.timeseries["lon"].iloc[pts[k][p]]) data = { "period": aT, "speed": aC, "power": aP, "energy": aC, "dist": dist, "date": cdate, "wH": aH, "lon": alon, "lat": alat, "clon": clon, "clat": clat, "hours": difft, } self.cyclone_data = pd.DataFrame(data) return self.cyclone_data
[docs] def plotCycloneAltiPoint( self, showinfo=False, extent=None, addcity=None, markersize=100, zoom=4, fsize=(12, 10), ): """ This function **plots** a series of figures of the geographical coordinates for processed altimeter data close to each cyclone path position. Args: showinfo (bool): show considered cyclone path coordiantes and associated recorded time and associate wave parameters [default: False] extent (int): geographical extent of the figure following the convention [lon min,lon max,lat min,lat max] [default: None] addcity (list): defined a specific location using the following convention ['City Name', longitude, latitude] [default: None] markersize (int): size of the markers used to specify cyclone tracks [default: 100] zoom (int): given target zoom for the target domain background (must be a value >= 1) [default: 4] fsize : size of the image [default: (12,10)] Note: This function relies on **cartopy** and **matplotlib** libraries. We use cartopy’s ability to draw map tiles which are downloaded on demand from the **Stamen tile server**. Todo: There are some plotting problems for dataset spanning beyond the 180 degree meridian that will need to be fixed. """ if self.cyclone is None: raise ValueError( "There is no cyclone path loaded in the class, \ this needs to be done during the class \ initialisation..." ) if self.cyclone_data is None: raise ValueError( "There is no altimeter data defined based on \ cyclone path, you need to run the \ close2Track(radius=2., dtmax=6) function before." ) # Create a Stamen terrain background instance. stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen("terrain-background") unill = self.cyclone_data[["clat", "clon", "date"]] unill = unill.drop_duplicates() # Loop over recorded cyclone path position for p in range(unill.shape[0]): cyclons = unill.clon.iloc[p] cyclats = unill.clat.iloc[p] if showinfo: print(" ") print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print("") print( "Considered cyclone path point (" + str(cyclons) + "," + str(cyclats) + ") at " + str([p]) ) print("") fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, if extent is None: ax.set_extent( [self.lonmin, self.lonmax, self.latmin, self.latmax], crs=ccrs.Geodetic(), ) else: ax.set_extent( [extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3]], crs=ccrs.Geodetic() ) ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, zoom) ax.coastlines(resolution="10m") geodetic_transform = ccrs.Geodetic()._as_mpl_transform(ax) text_transform = offset_copy(geodetic_transform, units="dots", x=-12) # Cyclone track clon = self.cyclone["lon"].to_numpy() clat = self.cyclone["lat"].to_numpy() for k in range(len(clon) - 1): plt.plot( [clon[k], clon[k + 1]], [clat[k], clat[k + 1]], color="k", linewidth=1, alpha=1.0, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=1, ) plt.scatter( [clon], [clat], marker="o", color="w", s=markersize * 0.5, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=5, ) cycdata = self.cyclone_data ax.set_title( "Altimeter data close to cyclone path point (" + str(cyclons) + "," + str(cyclats) + ") at " + str([p]) ) plt.scatter( cyclons, cyclats, marker="o", s=markersize * 3, color="k", edgecolor="black", linewidth="1", alpha=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=5, ) for k in range(cycdata.shape[0]): if cycdata.clon[k] == cyclons: if cycdata.clat[k] == cyclats: plt.scatter( cycdata.lon[k],[k], marker="o", s=markersize * 2, edgecolor="k", linewidth="1", alpha=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=5, ) # Add a marker for a given city. if addcity is not None: name_city = addcity[0] lon_city = addcity[1] lat_city = addcity[2] ax.scatter( lon_city, lat_city, marker="o", color="navy", s=100, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.5", alpha=0.7, transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), ) ax.text( lon_city, lat_city, name_city, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="right", transform=text_transform, bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.5, boxstyle="round"), ) d = geopy.distance.geodesic( (cycdata.clat[0], cycdata.clon[0]), (cycdata.clat[0] + 2.0, cycdata.clon[0]), ).km d = round(d, 3) * 1.5 circle_points = cartopy.geodesic.Geodesic().circle( lon=cyclons, lat=cyclats, radius=d * 1000.0, n_samples=100, endpoint=False, ) geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(circle_points) ax.add_geometries( (geom,),, facecolor="None", edgecolor="k", linewidth=1.5, zorder=31, ) gl = ax.gridlines( crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=0.5, color="k", alpha=0.5, linestyle="--", ) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_left = False gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER if showinfo: cycdata = self.cyclone_data cyclons = unill.clon.iloc[p] cyclats = unill.clat.iloc[p] for k in range(cycdata.shape[0]): if cycdata.clon[k] == cyclons: if cycdata.clat[k] == cyclats: print( "Altimeter point (" + str(round(cycdata.lon[k], 1)) + "," + str(round([k], 1)) + ") records dt: " + str(round(cycdata.hours[k], 2)) + "h" ) print(" + Power ", round(cycdata.power[k], 2), "kW/m") print( " + Energy ", round([k], 2), "J/m2" ) print(" + Celerity ", round(cycdata.speed[k], 2), "m/s") print(" + Period ", round(cycdata.period[k], 2), "s") print(" + Height ", round(cycdata.wH[k], 2), "m") print(" ")
[docs] def computeSeasonalCharacteristics( self, series="wh", time=None, lonlat=None, fsave=None, plot=True ): """ This function allows the user to analyse the seasonal characteristics of each parameter obtained from the altimeter dataset. For a specified time interval and geographical extent, it computes for a given wave variable the monthly seasonality. Obtained monthly averaged values are stored and returned with a Pandas dataframe. User has the option to plot the computed wave paraneter characteristics as a heatmap, a box plot and a standard deviation graph. For the wave height series, a Seasonal Mann-Kendall test is also performed to determine monotonic trends in computed dataset using the package from Hussain & Mahmud (2019). Hussain & Mahmud, 2019: pyMannKendall: a python package for non parametric Mann Kendall family of trend tests - JOSS, 4(39), 1556. Note: This function uses the seaborn and matplotlib libraries to plot the *heatmap* and the seasonal *boxplot*. Args: series (str): name of the series to plot based on **timeseries** dataframe, choices are: 'wh', 'period', 'power', 'energy' and 'speed' [default: 'wh'] time (list): extent of years to plot for plotting time series from 1995 to 2010 user will set 'time' to [1995,2010] [default: None] lonlat (list): specifying the geographical extent of the season characteristics computation following the convention [lon min,lon max,lat min,lat max] [default: None] fsave (str): saved image name without extension that will be written as a PNG file [default: None] plot (bool): flag specifying if plots have to been done [plot: True] Returns: dfseason (dataframe): pandas dataframe containing for chosen series variable the seasonality parameter for specified time interval """ if self.timeseries is None: raise ValueError( "The time series dataframe does not exist, you \ need to run the **generateTimeSeries()** function \ first." ) if lonlat is not None: # latitude and longitude if lonlat[0] > lonlat[1]: raise ValueError( "Error wrong definition of min and max \ longitude in lonlat" ) if lonlat[2] >= lonlat[3]: raise ValueError( "Error wrong definition of min and max \ latitude in lonlat" ) tdf = self.timeseries.drop( self.timeseries[self.timeseries.lon < lonlat[0]].index ) tdf = tdf.drop(tdf[tdf.lon > lonlat[1]].index) tdf = tdf.drop(tdf[ < lonlat[2]].index) tdf = tdf.drop(tdf[ > lonlat[3]].index) tdf = tdf.groupby(["year", "month"])[[series]].apply(np.mean).reset_index() else: tdf = ( self.timeseries.groupby(["year", "month"])[[series]] .apply(np.mean) .reset_index() ) dftmp = tdf.drop(tdf[tdf.year < time[0]].index) dftmp = dftmp.drop(dftmp[dftmp.year > time[1]].index) dfseason = dftmp.pivot(index="year", columns="month", values=series) dfseason = dfseason.rename( columns={ 1: "January", 2: "February", 3: "March", 4: "April", 5: "May", 6: "June", 7: "July", 8: "August", 9: "September", 10: "October", 11: "November", 12: "December", } ) if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) sns.heatmap( dfseason, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="YlGnBu", linewidths=1, cbar=False ) if series == "wh": ax.set_title("Significant Wave Height (m)", fontsize=12) if series == "period": ax.set_title("Wave Period (s)", fontsize=12) if series == "power": ax.set_title("Wave Power (kW/m)", fontsize=12) if series == "energy": ax.set_title("Wave Energy (J/m2)", fontsize=12) if series == "speed": ax.set_title("Wave Speed (m/s)", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Years", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Months", fontsize=11) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10, rotation=45) plt.tight_layout() if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave + "_" + series + "_heatmap", dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave + "_" + series + "_heatmap") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) sns.boxplot(data=dfseason, palette="Spectral") ax.set_title("Monthly distributions for chosen time interval", fontsize=12) if series == "wh": ax.set_ylabel("Significant Wave Height (m)", fontsize=12) if series == "period": ax.set_ylabel("Wave Period (s)", fontsize=12) if series == "power": ax.set_ylabel("Wave Power (kW/m)", fontsize=12) if series == "energy": ax.set_ylabel("Wave Energy (J/m2)", fontsize=12) if series == "speed": ax.set_ylabel("Wave Speed (m/s)", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Months", fontsize=11) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10, rotation=45) plt.tight_layout() if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave + "_" + series + "_distribution", dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave + "_" + series + "_distribution") monthly_sd = dfseason.std(axis=0) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) monthly_sd.plot( color="blue", marker="o", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=2, markersize=12 ) if series == "wh": ax.set_title( "Standard deviation in significant wave height \ for chosen time interval", fontsize=12, ) if series == "period": ax.set_title( "Standard deviation in wave period for chosen \ time interval", fontsize=12, ) if series == "power": ax.set_title( "Standard deviation in wave power for chosen \ time interval", fontsize=12, ) if series == "energy": ax.set_title( "Standard deviation in wave energy for chosen \ time interval", fontsize=12, ) if series == "speed": ax.set_title( "Standard deviation in wave speed for chosen \ time interval", fontsize=12, ) ax.set_ylabel("Standard deviation", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Months", fontsize=11) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=10, rotation=45) plt.tight_layout() if fsave is not None: fig.savefig(fsave + "_" + series + "_sd", dpi=100) print("Figure saved: ", fsave + "_" + series + "_sd") if series == "wh": wh_stack = dfseason.stack() seasonal_trend = mk.seasonal_test(wh_stack, period=12) print(" ") print( "Change in yearly wave height trend accounting \ for seasonality:" ) print(" + trend: ", seasonal_trend.trend) print( " + slope (cm/y): ", str(round(seasonal_trend.slope * 100.0, 2)), ) dfseason["mean"] = dfseason.mean(axis=1) return dfseason